Mother and daughter portraits with these two beautiful ladies is always a joy! This is my second shoot in a series with Laura and Z. This time we met at the fabulously whimsical Glen Echo Park. The day couldn't have been more perfect and, well, there just wasn't a bad photo in the bunch. 

Mother and daughter have quickly turned out to be one of my most favorite portrait sessions to shoot.

Here are a few of my many favorites from our day at Glen Echo...

It was my great pleasure to photograph a gorgeous spring family portrait session at Chevy Chase Country Club for my fabulous, and oh-so-fun neighbors, the Sagarese Family!

The Sagareses and I have been neighbors for 10 years now, and over that decade it's been amazing to watch their kids grow into the little adults they are becoming.

This past week I had the chance to do some freelance corporate photography with Ventana Productions & Heritage Provider Network shooting at the massive Health Datapalooza IV conference at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington DC.

The Heritage Provider Network is not only one of the major sponsors of this years conference, Heritage was excited to announce the winners of the 2013 Heritage Health Prize  and the Heritage Open mHealth Challenge.
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