I had the pleasure to shoot a mini head shot session with a good friend this past weekend. Lisa is truly an amazing woman! Her dedication and selflessness as an active Major in the U.S. Air Force--now Veteran--are inspiring to say the least. Now that Lisa is retired from the Military she is on the proverbial job hunt. Not only am I proud to aid her search with these head shots, we also had a blast during the session!

As much as most of us dread the idea of a professional head shot, they really are so important, especially in today's online world of LinkedIn and other social networking sites. With that in mind, I urge all of you out there to think about getting a mini portrait session done with me. I promise a relatively painless experience, great professional images, and heck...

I had the honor and pleasure of photographing Becky, Brian and adorable little Owen this past April. I can't get enough of Owen's enormous blue eyes, his mischievous smile and his squeezable cheeks! I've been tremendously lucky to be a part of Becky and Brian's lives over the last couple years. 

Not only was I there to photograph their stunning and ridiculously fun wedding at Glen Echo Park in 2011, in 2012 I had the honor of photographing Becky's father's wedding in Atlanta, GA.
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