I have woefully fallen of the wagon with my iPhone image of the week posts.

So today I am bringing back a little iPhone-ography or Mobile Photography to share with you all.

I just saw a post on my Instagram feed where a photographer gave up his digital SLR camera (the big fancy cameras with heavy lenses) for his iPhone and has never looked back. "How cool" I thought, to be unencumbered by the big bulky contraption of a pro-DSLR. Then I realized that I have done the same thing in many instances on my own photography journey.

I started by giving up the DSLR for the Holga, which was immensity freeing! Then about a year ago I purchased my first iPhone. Since that time I've consciously left for vacations with no DSLR, no Holga and relied only on my iPhone!

I find it all so liberating.

Baby Rigel is here!!!

Dabe and Janelle welcomed their adorable little boy into the world just a few short weeks ago.

I was so excited to meet Rigel and have the chance for a new born portrait session at only 3 weeks old! Anyone who knows me knows I am in love with infants--I just think it's the most precious time in a baby's life.

This is an image I didn’t make, on New Years Day…

It’s all wings, sunlight and gravity-defying illusions.

A half empty feeder suspended as if from a nonexistent cord sways precariously on the longest branch you’ve ever seen. This branch seems to defy gravity, with its 30 foot parallel stance to the ground. The branch is almost all you would see if it weren’t for the  flurry of wings and tail feathers. The colors of many birds are muted in the winter, but not so much so that you feel a void.

Shannon and Stephen pulled off the miraculous feat of planning a wedding from overseas--

England to be exact! Shannon and Stephen had a spectacular winter wedding at The Morrison House in Alexandria, VA this past December. In fact, Shannon and Stephen were my last wedding of 2012, and I couldn't have asked for a better way to wrap up a fantastic year of photography!

I also had the pleasure of shooting an engagement session with them at the Washington National Cathedral this summer.
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