iPhone-ography | Mobile Photography
I have woefully fallen of the wagon with my iPhone image of the week posts.
So today I am bringing back a little iPhone-ography or Mobile Photography to share with you all.
I just saw a post on my Instagram feed where a photographer gave up his digital SLR camera (the big fancy cameras with heavy lenses) for his iPhone and has never looked back. "How cool" I thought, to be unencumbered by the big bulky contraption of a pro-DSLR. Then I realized that I have done the same thing in many instances on my own photography journey.
I started by giving up the DSLR for the Holga, which was immensity freeing! Then about a year ago I purchased my first iPhone. Since that time I've consciously left for vacations with no DSLR, no Holga and relied only on my iPhone!
I find it all so liberating.
So today I am bringing back a little iPhone-ography or Mobile Photography to share with you all.
I just saw a post on my Instagram feed where a photographer gave up his digital SLR camera (the big fancy cameras with heavy lenses) for his iPhone and has never looked back. "How cool" I thought, to be unencumbered by the big bulky contraption of a pro-DSLR. Then I realized that I have done the same thing in many instances on my own photography journey.
I started by giving up the DSLR for the Holga, which was immensity freeing! Then about a year ago I purchased my first iPhone. Since that time I've consciously left for vacations with no DSLR, no Holga and relied only on my iPhone!
I find it all so liberating.