Mary, Bryan and Hannah visited me at the cottage a week ago, just in time to squeeze in some beautiful fall themed portraits! Mary and Bryan were wedding clients of mine back in 2009, and they had a ridiculously fun wedding... so it was pretty exciting to hear that I was going to see them again and finally meet their precious daughter Hannah!

I could have photographed Hannah all day. She was totally at ease in front of the camera, making hilarious expressive faces that made us all laugh through the entire shoot.

What can I even begin to say about my afternoon with Laura and Zoey? The opportunity to photograph them was so wonderful it sparked an idea for me to do a series with mothers and daughters. You might be thinking that this idea has already been done...and it has, many times. But it's not an idea I ever thought I would have pursued as part of my growth as a photographer.

You might think that as a wedding photographer I consider myself a portrait photographer, but I actually don't.

Dabe and Janelle are pregnant! Let's shout it from the roof tops because these two are gonna be awesome parents!

Dabe and Janelle are not only friends, fellow swing dancers and all around fun people, they are also past wedding clients. Dabe and Janelle got married at Glen Echo Park a few years back, giving me my first opportunity to photograph a wedding at a place that has been near and dear to me since my days as a wee little one.

Can I just say how much I LOVE it when my past wedding clients call me up to tell me they are pregnant? It's so amazing to get that call, let alone to have the true privilege of documenting their maternity session. But that is exactly the wonderful situation I found myself in with Susan and Steve at the cottage here in McLean last week.

The light was fabulous on this beautiful fall day--truly a perfect day for a maternity portrait session.

Merriweather Mannor is a beautiful Georgian estate out past Leesburg, VA. I had the great fortune of documenting Gina and Jon's wedding at Merriweather Manor this year.

Gina and Jon were troopers as the skies decided to open up on their wedding day. But the grey, misty rain actually turned out to be quite lovely; it added a romantic, haunting vibe to the old Georgian Manor.
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