Many of you may already know that I am a fan and shop owner on Etsy. I adore Etsy, and found it immensely useful when planning my wedding, not to mention it's just a great place to be inspired by other artists.

My Etsy shop is one that is always evolving as I learn more about the Etsy market place. I've been fortunate enough to have had some pretty amazing people contact me through my Etsy site, one of which lead me to creating some enormous encaustic holga pieces measuring upwards of 40"x40" for a restaurant opening.

All I can say is that I for one am happy that Etsy is around. Their dedication to artists and crafts people is astounding. They really are a company that wants their customers and shop owners to succeed.

Maggie and Sean, Sean and Maggie, I just love you guys! If you, my faithful readers, haven't seen the wedding photos or already heard of the flash mob legend on their wedding day at Khimaira Farm, you'll want to read/see their full wedding blog post!

Khimaira Farm in Luray has goats, lots and lots of goats! They are a working farm with a lot of charm.

And they can surely boast, many a great toasts. The Holga was a must, for the scenery is just... lusc-ious (yea, I know it's a stretch).

I had such a great time photographing the Mastropietro family a few weeks ago. I had the privilege to meet and photograph Baby Logan at 3 weeks old! Little Logan was amazingly calm, and quite happy to be the center of attention. In fact, he was so calm that most of the time he was sleeping... doesn't get much easier than that (as far as for a photographer of new borns).

We had a blissful 2 hours to hang out around the house and the backyard as Logan slept his way through most of the shoot.
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