This is my favorite time of year... it's bluebird nesting season!

This year I am lucky to have a beautiful nesting pair. Tt's been 2 long years since the bluebirds have made a home here at the cottage and I am over the moon with excitement about it!

They will continue to lay eggs for the next couple days. We should have a clutch of 5-7 eggs and then in the next month if we're lucky, 5-7 baby birds.

There is endless inspiration when exploring the Cornell campus in Ithaca NY. Not a visit goes by where I don't see something I hadn't seen before.

This time it so happened that I had the chance to wander around Beebe Lake.

A set of super steep stairs led up to a place I hadn't been, and honestly would not have gone had I not had a subtle prodding to climb and explore. Some serious huffing and puffing later and we happened upon the Cornell Observatory.

It was so still up there.

Image by Will Jacks 

If you are thinking about taking some time for yourself and are in need of a little artist's R&R, consider joining us in the Mississippi Delta for our Rebirth Artist Retreat and Workshop!

To register follow this link -

To learn more about what we do at Rebirth -

For a little "behind the scenes" with one of our instructors -

I can say in

This week I am happy to feature iPhone images from a few of our Rebirth Workshop attendees.

Kate Passaro

iPhone image processed with  Photostudio.

In Kate's words; "I created this image because this is the first day of snow that we've had all winter in my area. I'm from Boston - and, no snow! It's one of my favorite parts of the entire year!"

Frank Myers

iPhone 4

Processed with Apps: Tilt/shift generator

In Frank's words; "I took this at Clearwater Beach during our family trip this fall.
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