Mike and Christina's Holga Images are here!!

To see the full wedding blog post from their wedding at the Thomas Birkby House just click HERE!

You can click on the images to see them in their own screen.

Cabell's Mill in October must be one of the most lovely places in Centerville, VA. 

I met up with Mike and Catherine for their engagement shoot just a few weeks ago and we were giddy with our good luck seeing as how the weather could not have been more perfect!

I met with Mike and Catherine earlier this year and fell in love with them right away. Not only are they easy to talk to, they are both super adventurous, out doorsy and totally gorgeous! 

Hello!! That's one heck of a combo.

This was my first ever photo shoot in a corn maze! Incidentally it was also the first time I did not get terribly lost, running in circles and ultimately having to be rescued! I have a bizarre knack for getting lost in mazes, the only ones I can safely navigate... well lets be honest...
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