By now you have seen the magic of the GTLR Holga, and I am sure you have been dying to see how it all happened. 

Here are the behind the scenes photos, where you will get the inside scoop on how these amazing gingerbread creations came to life.

Or... maybe these are just photos of us all goofing off.

You be the judge.

Joe working on the exact measurements to scale for my gingerbread Holga.

Yep, that puppy was to SCALE!

Mark is delicately constructing the Sear's Tower.

His lovely wife Ali cheers him on as he begins construction.

Here we have the many pieces that go into making a (to scale) gingerbread twin lens Holga.

Ahh the squeezing of the icing, seems that Andrew finds this very thrilling!

Sean is loading up on the nutritious veggie chili.

Introducing the new (just in time for the holidays)

Gingerbread Holga Twin Lens Reflex

Get yours TODAY!

As many of you know, I am a Holga fanatic, addict, champion, and all around nut case.

I would rather not go anywhere without my trusty toy camera if possible.

Well this Holiday Season, what would any crazed Holga fanatic covet... oh YES... fresh off the Holiday manufacturing belts... the G- TLR.

Gingerbread Twin Lens Relfex.

It's a one of a kind Holiday Edition Holga.
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