Just before the Christmas holiday I received a surprising email in my inbox.

I got the delightful news that my Holga image "Oyster Baskets" had been chosen to be a part of Photomedia Center's newest photography show, HolgaShow 3.0.

Not only that, but the image had also been given the title "Best In Show"!!!

I could not have been more surprised or more delighted!! What a wonderful Christmas gift.

I was also excited to learn that all the images chosen to be a part of this show were going to be exhibited online.

You can view the incredible work from some very talented photographer's at the Photomedia website. www.photomediacenter.org

I was beyond humbled when I got to see such inspired work from so many great artists.

It's not often that you get the chance to see an proposal happen right before your eyes!

That's exactly what happened to four photographers and friends last night at Sonoma Restaurant in DC.

We had our dear friend and very talented photographer, Shawn Reeder in visiting from CA and planned a whole day in DC visiting museums, eating great food and shooting around the city.
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