It's hard to put into words the experience I had at the opening for the Contrast show last night.

And I must warn you, I am operating on back to back nights of less than 5 hours sleep.. so bare with me...

Mostly I am in awe of the amount of passion, creativity and desire to live and create and artful life that was very present among, not only the participating artists, but all of the guests as well.

Working and living as a professional artist and creating a body of work (especially when you are a solo photographer, painter, sculptor etc) can be a very lonely endeavor.

It's been quite a day. It's 5am (my time) and I have set up camp in the fabulous house of our Contrast show curator, Will Jacks. We are having a powwow with 5 other photographers from CA to NOLA and the hours are flying by.

We have been having a BLAST shooting the breeze, talking business, art, philosophy and some "colorful jokes" here and there...

I look forward to seeing what the rest of the week holds.

Tomorrow night is the big grand opening of the show and it's going to be pretty amazing.

I am at present getting myself ready for a late summer and early fall full of travel.

I am excited to be heading to at least 5 different states in the next 4 months, and I will of course have my Holga with me. I actually plan to ONLY bring the Holga and leave the digital SLR at home. So we'll see how that goes.

I recently was given the news that some of my Holga work has been chosen to be part of a gallery show in Mississippi!

I am still in complete shock and awe...

The amazingly talented photographer Will Jacks of Cleveland MS has been working tirelessly for the last 8+ months to get his show Contrast up and running.

I am excited to share my second set of photographs from St. Michael's.

It was fantastic to let my Holga guide the way on this little trip.

While I have a good idea of what I am shooting and what will apear on the film, because of the nature of this camera and it's ever so coveted light leeks, there is always an element of surprise.

Oyster baskets

The summer is well into its season and I realized I am woefully behind on my personal blogging and projects.

My Holga work continues to fuel my creative curiosity and drive. And while I still love my digital camera, I am fully prepared to leave it at home as long as I have the Holga and a few rolls of film.

One of my favorite things to do anytime of the year is to take day trips.

Sadly I am also woefully behind in doing this for myself too.
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