Photography Show and Exhibit {Mississippi Delta} Contrast
Calling all professional, amateur, and hobbiest photographers...
Time for you to pick up your cameras, dust off your lenses and submit some of your favorite images for Contrast!
If you haven't heard of Contrast, a unique art show hosted and created by well known Mississippi Delta photographer Will Jacks, then look no further.
We want YOU!
I have been going over image after image after image from my personal collections, trying hard to decide what body of work best represents contrast to me.
Time for you to pick up your cameras, dust off your lenses and submit some of your favorite images for Contrast!
If you haven't heard of Contrast, a unique art show hosted and created by well known Mississippi Delta photographer Will Jacks, then look no further.
We want YOU!
I have been going over image after image after image from my personal collections, trying hard to decide what body of work best represents contrast to me.