We had another awesome climbing adventure at Sugarloaf a few weeks ago.

Joe took his first trip up real rock and photos of me actually climbing were also taken!

So this post will prove that I actually did allay my fear of climbing out doors.

Mark and Rachel and all our new rock climbing pals were super supportive.

I even managed to do my first repel. Which many of you may think would be the easy part of climbing. However, this repel was a tad more challenging and many many expletives were heard as I careened into a tree!

I was not thwarted by this death defying repelling adventure, though I was a bit shaken up so stuck to taking photos for most of the day instead of climbing that much.

I was sent a link to this very cool ABC Science documentary on Crude Oil and I have been completely fascinated by it.

I am like many Americans (maybe most citizens of the world), in that I really had no idea where my gas came from.

In honor of Earth Day, which I have decided to make Earth Week here on the Blink Blog,

I wanted to keep bringing what I think is valuable information to "the masses".

This documentary does require that you set aside some time to really soak in all the information.

There has been such a fantastic outpour of information from my wonderful friends, folks on the forums I visit along with blogs and emails that I received, which all made me want to keep Earth Day going!

So I want to share a few more easy and simples ways to help reduce your carbon footprint that will greatly impact the vitality of our planet!

Some great ones that came from fellow photographer Anne Ruthman's blog:

"Your clothes will last longer if you let them dry on a drying rack.

April 22nd is in fact Earth Day!

What are you doing today to honor our mother earth?

My plans include getting my car serviced to make sure that my emissions are good, working in my garden and recycling some large metal items I have. Along with using as little electricity I can today.

There are a few website that I would like to share with you all that I feel honor Earth Day;


Google Earth Day


ReadyMade is one of my favorite publications these days.

Right after I came back from Vegas (actually as I was getting off the plane) I was hit with a really narley bout of food poisoning! Not a fun way to end an awesome trip!

However, in my delirium my amazing boyfriend Joe shows up with groceries to nurse me back to health and the most BEAUTIFUL bouquet of multi colored roses I had seen!

I was so stunned and in awe of these gorgeous flowers, that I could stop gazing at them through the night.
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