It's been almost 10 years since I first ventured outside to rock climb.

Many years back I was building up the nerve to climb a route at Great Falls in VA with my dear friend Jennifer Settle (now Stainton), who had been climbing for years, and had just started teaching me the fun of climbing. Jen was an awesome coach and was so graceful on each climb, she made it look effortless.

Well, needless to say the climb at Great Falls was my first and last.

I had a spill on that climb many years ago, that in all honesty wasn't really all that bad. However it was bad enough that it killed my mental courage.

Poor Jen who was so calm on the belay, must have thought I was nuts as I was screaming upside down in my harness flat up against the rock.

I have been hearing about this video for a while now and just stumbled upon it on the Improv Everywhere blog.

"On a cold Saturday in New York City, the world’s largest train station came to a sudden halt. Over 200 Improv Everywhere Agents froze in place at the exact same second for five minutes in the Main Concourse of Grand Central Station.

I am still waiting to be able to post the link so that you can all see some of the AMAZING images that won awards at the WPPI print competition.

I was able to find one of my favorites; the winning image by Yervant

I still can't get over the utter magnificence of this images. I want to know how he made this happen, how much post processing was done to this image and where does he find such fantastic brides!

It's hard to put into words what it is that I love about this image.

I am really glad I finally looked at my itinerary... (someone else booked the flight arragements for our trip), because I see that I am now arriving back to DC on Friday the 21st not the 20th like I had orginally thought.

This will be my first red-eye flight. I hope I can sleep on the airplane! ;D

If you need to get in contact with me while I am away in Las Vegas, please send me an email and I will get back to you ASAP.

It may be late in the year to be doing this, but I have been reflecting on some of my favorite moments from 2007. Some of my favorite moments have to do with things that happened to me, my friends or family, some are adventures I had, books I read, movies I saw, moments of stillness, and of course the best Christmas gift from my boyfriend Joe...
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