I have to share these images because they came out SO much better than I could have hoped.

I was recently at the DC Botanical Gardens doing a casual family portrait session for an wonderful client who is moving down to Atlanta.

After the photo shoot I was wondering around waiting for my friend Jess to meet me.

Jess was meeting up with me to help with another photo shoot I had at my house that day.

While waiting around I was playing with some new and old tricks with the camera.

What a site!

I am so glad my friend Liz called me when she did.

I was so busy getting images edited and writing new posts for my blog that I almost forgot about the Lunar eclipse.

What a beautiful site to behold... me in a big puffy coat and slippers in the 30* weather in my wooded back yard with the raccoons making a ruckus... taking photos of the moon.

Though don't have a that image to share, here is my one good shot of the moon.

Click on the image to "super size" it.
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