I am happy to say that Sunday was a fantastic and very successful day!

The Bridal Expo at Glenview Mansion was the place to be.

I would say we had at least 200 people come through the Mansion seeking out just the right vendor for their wedding day.

One of my favorite vendors was Linwoods (catering and restaurant).

They had some scrumptious food for tasting, but the creme de la creme, was their shrimp and grits served in a champagne glass!! All I can say is that it was a little glass of heaven. I highly recommend Linwoods to anyone who wants a treat for their pallet.

Out of the few bridal shows I have participated in, Glenview was the best! Not only was the location beautiful, but I met the most awesome brides and grooms I have ever had the pleasure of meeting at a bridal show.

I will be one of many fantastic vendors at the Glenview Mansion this Sunday January 27th.

If you or someone you know is planing a wedding this is the bridal show for you!

(Does that sound too car sale-ish?)

But really, I love places like Glenview because not only is it a gorgeous location for a wedding and bridal show, Glenview has managed to create a relaxed, intimate and fun environment to search for the perfect vendors for your wedding day.

Some of you may remember Susie and Todd from their wedding I photographed in 2006 in Hilton Head, SC ( you can check out their slide show here).

It was my second destination wedding and my first beach wedding.

They were so amazing to work with, a photographers dream.

Todd and Susie are doing very well as they enter into their 2nd year of marriage, and I am happy to say they recently bought a new town house in Herdon, VA.

Well, we are back. In fact we have been back for over a week now.

What can I say about New York City, even when you are sick with an icky cold you can still have a good time.

Unfortunately, that was the case for Joe and I.

Joe had been sick a few days prior to our trip up north and WHAM, it hit me Friday afternoon just as we were arriving to the big apple.

We were well taken care of by our hostess, the fabulous Justine Franko (whos Brooklyn apt we called home for 3 days).

Joe and I are heading to NYC this coming weekend!

I am so excited.

It has been almost 7 years since I have been to the city. Last time I was in NYC a good friend of mine got engaged in the middle of Time Square. It was a total surprise to her and we had the best time celebrating the new engagement.

This time Joe and I are going up to meet Joe's best friend David, his wife Cherami and their son August.
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