It was our 2nd annual gingerbread house making party, and boy was it a good one this year.

Friends came armed with creative ideas, and boundless gingerbread decorating skills.

It was a close race for most original gingerbread creation, and in then end our winner was the gingerbread trailer, complete with car on blocks! Way to go Gay.

And second runner up was Sean's German/Bavarian inspired townhouse.

It was a miracle that Sean was even awake enough to participate in our little evening of fun.

He came straight to the house from Dulles airport, flying in from Switzerland!

I think the candy helped to fuel his creative spirit... by the end of the night I believe he was bouncing off the walls.

I wanted to share this update from Earth911.

I love their helpful tips all year long...

This Little Light Of Mine

Week of Dec 14, 2008

Twinkle, Twinkle Little…

…Electric Bill. Wait, that’s not how it goes. Anyways, what we’re trying to say is that you can still enjoy the sparkle of holiday lights this year without running up your electric bill. LEDs use over 80 percent less energy than traditional incandescents and can last for over 50,000 hours.

It was a momentous and historic day yesterday.

My good friends, Susie and Todd had a beautiful 7lb 12oz baby girl just 12 days ago.

Welcome baby Chloe!

Susie has been a trooper letting me photograph her at all stages of her pregnancy.

(To see photos from her 23 week session click here)

And let me tell ya, she was one hot mama!

If we could all look as amazing as Susie did at 8 1/2 months pregnant,

there would be many happy mothers to be out there.

Sarah and Matt got hitched on Saturday at Bluemont Vineyard and Stables!

Sarah and Matt, what a fantastic wedding you guys put together.

I have never had as much fun photographing a wedding as I did on Saturday!

You guys rock!

Have a great honeymoon!

I look forward to getting together when you return.

There is so much great stuff to come so stay tuned....
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/adj. ˈɔfˈbit, ˈɒf-; n. ˈɔfˌbit, ˈɒf-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[adj. awf-beet, of-; n. awf-beet, of-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –adjective

If you haven't heard of OffBeat Bride you simply must check it out.

This website and blog are fantastic and I must thank fellow DC Photographer

Lara Swanson for turning me on to it!

The OffBeat Bride is a site after my own heart.
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