It's been a little while since I have posted...I have been knee deep in client meetings, print orders, albums, editing etc... trying to get everything squared away before the holidays.

And though I often work 6 out of 7 days of the week, I still manage to have fun and do some photography for myself.

I recently got together with about 10 other local DC photographers for a night shoot.

We all met up at the Washington Cathedral and thus began our photo safari!

Check out some of my favorite images from out little adventure.

Eeeeeek! I did it, I went and got a new doo today!

I am so excited I can hardly stand it!

What is it about a new haircut that puts a spring in your step?

Whatever it is, I am springing!!

I have been wanting to do something new and different. Much searching went into the final look.

I am still reliving the fun I had shooting John and Deirdre's wedding this past Saturday. Man do they know how to celebrate!

I met with Deirdre many many months ago and I have been looking forward to shooting this wedding for ages. I just knew when I met Deirdre that she would have one heck of a fun wedding day.

We had a full day, starting at the Mayflower, working our way (8 of us packed in a limo) over to the Capital and Jefferson memorial for photos.
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