It's our second to last day on Hilton Head Island, and I am trying not to think of the 10 hour drive home... UGH!

We are going to mix it up and make it fun by buying some good olde fashioned South Carolina Fireworks (keep an eye out for our fireworks party invite), and maybe we'll find ye olde country store where they sell boiled peanuts (thank you to my friend Kim Mihalik for turning me on to those).

However, in the spirit of not thinking about our trip coming to an end, here are some more great photos from the trip thus far.


(feel free to click on any of the photos to see them "super sized")

Joe and I at the beginning of our hike along the bog.

This was a total fluke! I was walking along snapping photos and I noticed a green spec on these dried brown reeds.

Hilton Head, SC.

We have arrived!

It's been a few days here on the lovely island.

Vacation is great, though I was a little panicked without internet connection for 3 days.

However, now I can truly "relax", internet access and beach access, it doesn't get better than that.

Here are a few photos from our 2nd day at the beach.

Stay tuned, for I will be posting a bunch of images from our day trip to Savannah, the Hilton Head Forest preserve and much more.

On our way... only 9 hours to go.

Well, today's the day!

Joe and I are heading off to Hilton Head South Carolina for a MUCH needed vacation.

I am excited to spend time near the water with my sweetie. For me there is no better place to relax and let the pressure of life roll away.

We will first make a stop in Charlottesville, VA (OK detour), to celebrate Joe's mom's 60th birthday!!!

Joe's sister Jennifer is planing on having a chef come in and teach everyone to cook a super gourmet meal.

Where to begin...

Throughout my many careers, never once have I been to a conference for my craft.

I decided earlier this spring that it was about high time that I get out there and get friendly with my fellow wedding photographers.

So, off I went to LA for a two day conference sponsored and masterfully orchestrated by Pictage.

First and foremost I just have to say, I was beyond blow away at how Pictage took care of all of us.

I can't even begin to describe how cute Alex and Margaret are together!

I feel like one of the luckiest photographers because I have the best clients.

Margaret, Alex and I first visited the fountain close to the Capitol building, which I am embarrassed to say that I have never been to, though I have lived here my whole life. Then we were off to the Jefferson memorial. Not only were the locations superb and the lighting magical, Alex and Margaret were such a joy to work with.

I haven't had such a fun and eventful Labor Day in quite a while.

Starting out with a hike along the Potomac on Saturday, to a all day cookout here at the cottage then another huge hike on Sunday crossing from VA to WVA.

It was a nonstop weekend.

Take a look at some of the highlights from the weekend...


Nature on the trail.

For the life of me I can't figure out what these little white pods could be. Maybe egss of some sort.
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