In keeping with the blog tagging spirit, I thought I would share on more thing about myself.

A lot of people might not know that I live in a very cute, shabby sheik little cottage.

Ok, it's true, if you go on the FairFax county website it says that my house is actually a dilapidated building, however, I still call it home, and have for the past 4 years.

One thing I realized is that I often take this little house and the woods surrounding it for granted.

So I decided that I needed to take a break from editing weddings and thought I would do a little photo safari around the house.

Take a look and see what I found...

Here's the house.

My neighbors...a large family of dear. Just as I was walking outside 3 baby dear ran through my garden into the woods. It was so cute.

Still a newbie at the whole blogging experience, imagine my confused look (raised eyebrows and doubtful expression showing up as a mass of wrinkles on my forehead) when I get an email from my good friend and fellow photographer Jessica Delvecchio informing me that I have been blog tagged!

The rules of the game are simple - if you get tagged, you have to list 8 facts about yourself that people might otherwise not know.

8 things....

This is between you and me, ok?


Ralph and Laura were married this past Saturday in Gaithersburg MD at the Willow Tree Inn.

I am thrilled that they chose me as their wedding photographer, for what was one of the most memorable and fun weddings I have ever been a part of!

Ralph and Laura were not only making a very special commitment to each other, but to their new blended family.

Ralph and Laura's children were so great, a true testament to the loving parents they each are individually and now together.
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