I am so excited to announce that my new website is up and running!

Please visit www.blinkdc.com and take a look around.

I would love to know your thoughts about the look of the new site, so please come on back to the blog and leave me a comment or two!

I would like to give many thanks to my very dear and talented friend Liz Brinson who helped me to put this site together.

She designed my new logo and helped to edit all of the text you see.

I feel that Liz truly helped to bring my vision of a new, classy, yet artistic Blink to life!

Thank you also to all my friends and family who have been such a huge support in this endeavor.

I feel so lucky to have your love, honesty and positive words as I make my way in this business.

Your girlfriend's favorite magicain indeed!

I got the pleasure of seeing Frank Deville perform last night at The Palace of Wonders in DC.

It was a show to end all shows. Franks (sometimes) death defying tricks has us all on the edge of our seats!

Ok, so maybe it wasn't death defying, but it sure would have stunk to see him get that nail through his foot!

I met Frank many years ago on the swing dance floor (you will find this is a common theme amongst my friendships).

Dabe and Janelle met while swing dancing many years ago.

I myself met Dabe over 7 years ago at a dance in Northern VA.

Back then his signature choice of clothing was a black fedora hat.

You couldn't miss Dabe, he was always such a ham on the floor and one of my favorite people to dance with.

Janelle came onto the swing dance/lindy hop scene a few years ago.

Janelle charmed the pants off of Dabe naturally (but thank goodness not literally).

Jeff and Danielle are getting married this July.

We had such fun at the DC Botanical Gardens.

Despite Jeff's aversion to "cheesy" photos...

My first ever horse race at Fox Field.

I went with my boyfriend Joe's family.

They are all big UVA and Fox Field fans!

Fox Field Race day is a huge event which draws a massive UVA crowd, not to mention almost all of Charlottesville!

I felt a little out of place with out my Oxford, plaid shorts and what not... but my skull and crossbone pendant was a big hit with my boyfriends nephew, who asked if I was a pirate! Aye..

I had originally thought I would let my garden rest this year. Give it up to the weed gods as it were...

However, I was able to employ a very special, a very talented weeder. My next door neighbor

Mr. Jack, some would even call him the weed master.

He likes to call the big weeds that get pulled out with one fell swoop, "weed mongers".

The one flowering plants amidst the weeds inspired me to clear a little plot for flowers, lettuce and some veggies.

For my first post and first photo upload, I will share just a few of my birthday photos.

The rain was no deterrent for our outdoor fun.

Disc golf, a mini game of ultimate Frisbee and chatting around the fire made for a fun afternoon.

Oh and don't let me forget the presents!!

Such wonderful presents from some amazing friends and one truly amazing boyfriend.
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