Warning! - This is one of my longest blog entires.

You may want to set aside a good 30 minutes to be able to really soak in this post.

There are over 40 images to look through, and a very important (some might say life changing) poll to be taken at the end of it all.

So go get a cup of tea, turn off the ringer on your phone, set an away message on your email, and read on...

Gingerbread mania indeed!

This holiday season I decided it was time to make a life long dream come true.

Since I was 6 years old and made my very first "gingerbread" house at school using gram crackers and a small milk carton, I have wanted to recreate that same magic, but this time making the house out of REAL gingerbread, and forgo the milk carton.

Phew....so the holidays are almost over, and I have some major updating to do.

A lot has happened in the month of December, I don't know where to start...

I think I will save the best for last, though, all my adventures these last few weeks have been fun, amazing and even life changing.

So lets start with an outing I had with an amazing group of Photographers on Dec 20th.

A few months ago I got an inquiry email from the lovely Naseema asking if I was available to photograph her brother Tariq's wedding reception in November.

Tariq and his family were bringing his new bride to the US from Pakistan and were excited to celebrate their marriage.

I was SO thrilled at this opportunity because this was going to my my first official Pakistan wedding reception.


I am taking a few deep breaths as I write... Friday feels good.

I am currently waiting for my dear boyfriend Joe to arrive, it is "date" night tonight!

Date night for us just means that the other person plans the events, whether they be big or small it doesn't matter, and the other one of us doesn't have to think, just enjoy.

That's my kind of night...no thinking required.

I can't believe how time has flown!

Since my last post I have had so much going on that I have neglected my good old friend the Blink Blog.

I am happy to report November was quite a full and fulfilling month for me.

It's been a little while since I have posted...I have been knee deep in client meetings, print orders, albums, editing etc... trying to get everything squared away before the holidays.

And though I often work 6 out of 7 days of the week, I still manage to have fun and do some photography for myself.

I recently got together with about 10 other local DC photographers for a night shoot.

Eeeeeek! I did it, I went and got a new doo today!

I am so excited I can hardly stand it!

What is it about a new haircut that puts a spring in your step?

Whatever it is, I am springing!!

I have been wanting to do something new and different. Much searching went into the final look.

I am still reliving the fun I had shooting John and Deirdre's wedding this past Saturday. Man do they know how to celebrate!

I met with Deirdre many many months ago and I have been looking forward to shooting this wedding for ages. I just knew when I met Deirdre that she would have one heck of a fun wedding day.

We had a full day, starting at the Mayflower, working our way (8 of us packed in a limo) over to the Capital and Jefferson memorial for photos.

Every year my dear friend Kim has a pumpkin carving party at her home in Reston.

And every year something wacky, crazy, weird and wild happens.

This year we spotted a HUGE pumpkin floating in the lake by her house.

I took it upon myself to be the great pumpkin rescuer!

Joe was able to snap one photo of me getting ready to fish this enormous pumpkin from the lake.

In my last post I eluded to the fact that I was going to be in/making a promo video for my photo business.

In an ever increasing web world I find that video is now the HOT thing to do.

Which makes sense, especially for a business like mine where a lot of my clients first see/hear about me on the web.
Thanks for stopping by the Blink Blog. Please come back often, or better yet, subscribe so that you can keep up with all the news that is going on with me and Blink Photography.
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